Ongoing, beginning April 1, 2025
The two Workgroups for April are:
• Executive Director
• Head Start Leader
For Individuals
- In April 2025, Acorn Learning will launch its first Acorn Workgroups.
- The workgroups are a valuable, ongoing professional development opportunity for Head Start leaders. Learn and share best practices in a facilitated professional development environment.
- The two Workgroups for April are:
- Executive Director
- Head Start Leader
- If you are interested in participating in these workgroups, please complete the interest form found on the orange interest list buttons on this page
For Programs
- This kind of professional development for program leaders has been used successfully for decades, but is rare in the Head Start world. Facilitated discussions, networking, and exploration of best practices in real program settings come together to provide a high quality, ongoing professional development program for current and future leaders.